PhD in Energy and Petroleum Economics & Management (2016 – 2019)

Centre for Energy, Petroleum, & Mineral Law & Policy, University of Dundee

Supervisors: Dr Ariel Bergmann (RIP) and Stephen Dow,

Research on “Identifying & Modifying the Coal Bed Methane Fiscal Regime in Indonesia: Comparative Studies with the U.S. and Australia”.

The research intensively looks at the views of government, investors, academia, industry association, and local community in which CBM projects are developed. The research is an interdisciplinary research as it involves laws, economics, social & environmental and technical knowledge such as geology, petroleum engineering and geophysics.


Read My PhD Journey
MSc in Oil and Gas Management (2012-2013)

Coventry University

First Class – Awarded a departmental merit scholarship

A Master’s dissertation on “A Comparative study between Indonesia, Malaysian, and Norwegian Petroleum Fiscal System”.

The dissertation focusing on the issues of the PSC in Indonesia as a pioneer of the PSC. This dissertation explained on how Malaysia modified their PSC since they first adopted the Indonesian PSC and the Royalty Tax (R/T) system implementation in Norway. It was found that regardless of the success of the R/T system implemented in Norway, it is not suitable for Indonesia since there is no stability of the tax rate with the system.

BA in Accounting (2004-2008)

Padjadjaran University, Economic Faculty, Department of Accounting, Bandung, Indonesia

Distinction (3.84 of 4.00)

A Bachelor’s dissertation on “The Influences of Company’s Characteristics towards Company’s Business Performance”.Key Accounting Subjects: Accounting & Financial Reporting Analysis, Profitability Ratio Analysis, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Performance Analysis.