5th – 8th April 2017

East Meets West Congress in Krakow, Poland
Society of Petroleum Engineers

Presented Paper on “Coal  Bed  Methane in  Indonesia: A  comparative  analysis  of  Net Production Sharing Contract (PSC) and Non-Cost Recovery Gross PSC Sliding Scale”

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In March 2017, my paper was accepted to be presented at the International Conference held by the Society of Petroleum Engineers in Krakow, Poland. This conference was attended mostly by engineers, and having an energy economics background has been a challenge, and.. it has been fun actually!!

So, I went to Krakow in April to present one of the preliminary result on my PhD, which was similar to what I presented at the PhD symposium at Robert Gordon University.  It was a challenge as it was also a paper competition, and I competed with other engineers yet I was presenting about fiscal regimes. Tough! But one of the best experiences I had at that time!