April 2019 – Top Winner SPE Award
Read NewsTheresia B Sumarno_Revision Merger Activities (PPT)
Being the top winner of the SPE bursary award this year, I was honoured to give a presentation on the merger activities in the oil and gas industry in front of many industries’ professional.
This event is called the SPE event dinner meeting which this eevening was attended by more than 40 professionals and some are from the Oil and Gas Authorities and students from other universities. I have received many very good feedback, and as an Indonesian I was speaking and presenting very well with confidence!
Thanks to everyone who have crossed my path that have made me who I am now! Thanks to Indonesia through LPDP, CEPMLP, UoD and PhD Soc Sciences, my amazing supervisors – both Ariel and Stephen Dow, Prof Heffron by explaining the energy governance and introducing me to energy transitions and all legal aspect of it, and the SPE Aberdeen and SPE International for having me as part of their activities and event! One more achievement unlocked in my PhD journey!